1. Project Kickoff
The first step of any project is to understand the development program of the client and the project site. For FLLG, this is a multi-step process:
- Meet with the client to fully understand their vision and desired elements of the project.
- Visit and photograph the project site to visually verify and evaluate existing site conditions and relationship to the surrounding area.
- Review pertinent available data provided by the client in the form of base maps, aerial photos, soils geological data, and planning documents.
We believe that this is the essential foundation needed for a successful project.
2. Hand-Sketched Graphics
We still feel that hand graphics have their place in modern day design. We use hand graphics to create master plan visions and to generate ideas quickly.

3. Computer Generated Graphics
Generating 2D and 3D graphics enables our clients to see our visions come to life. This is a great tool to help the public and municipalities understand the design.
4. Video Simulations
Video simulations take our hand and computer generated graphics to the next level. Clients are using them to help sell their project to both municipalities and potential buyers. Video renderings are created with several different programs; we use Sketchup, Adobe Premiere, and Lumion to create graphic representations of our work.