Working closely with the development team at Easton, the project land planner, and engineers, FLLG focused design efforts into the restoration of approximately 6,000 acres of fallow land, disturbed by historic gold mining operations dating back more than a century. Careful attention was made to conserve the untouched natural resources inaccessible for 50 year - the Alder Creek Basin, oak woodlands, wildlife habitats - and create an interpretive nature center, all linked by a master trails network and a careful well-articulated wayfinding elements within this new residential community. Our intent and design focus was on providing landscape features within a master-planned community that will offer the flexibility to match today’s needs and offer a sense of place within the more disturbed areas of the site. Easton will offer a balance of land uses, with pedestrian-friendly amenities and a system of water conscious landscape features that respond to the existing site features, while responding to the needs for cost-effective maintenance practices. Our design effort was evident in all of the theming and wayfinding components, as well as developing the wall and fencing systems and streetscape fabric within the development.